Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh yes, more tears....

I know when you come back from a trip like this, your emotions are very vulnerable.....but I am just crying about everything. The songs on the radio, things my kids say,just looking at them and how blessed we all are. A trip like this usually changes a person but I had no idea how I would feel after getting home. I was already passionate about the children in Mongolia and the needs they have... Having adopted Maiah and Seth, God has blessed us with the opportunity to see first hand the empty, sad look turn into bright eyed, healthy, joyful kids. Anyway, what I wanted to share was this.....

Last night, we were all talking as a family in the living room and Seth asked how long until Christmas? How many more days? We responded with 10 more days until we celebrate Jesus' birthday. We are not big on pushing the whole Santa thing, we have always just left it up to them and whatever they believe. So, Maiah kind of believes and Seth has been telling her for the last couple of weeks, that Santa is not real. Well, Maiah argues with him that he is real as he left her a present last year and the year before. You can see the puzzled look on Seths face. Well last night, the truth came out about why Seth does not believe. With tears in his eyes, he said that Santa never, ever came to his Mongolia and that he never got 1 present from him. He thought maybe it was because they were bad kids. I assured him that was not the case. I told him it took Mommy and Daddy a long time to find him in Mongolia and so maybe Santa could not find his way. Shortly after, as I tucked him in bed, he said that he was happy for his friends and happy that Mommy went to bring presents to them, he was sure they are happy. Seth's English is far from perfect but he sure did express himself perfectly tonight. Ok, needless to say, I held in the tears all night, until I dropped them off at school again this morning and then the Christmas Shoes song came on the radio which make me cry anyway......I needed some windshield wipers for my eyes this morning....

I am so thankful to God for continually confirming the purpose and passion of this trip. Many said it was a lot of money and was I taking something away from my own kids in going? I truly believe in my heart that I was supposed to go and that all 4 of my children gained something in the last week and would choose to sacrifice something again...so that a glimmer of hope, the love of Jesus and Christmas joy can be given to those left behind but not forgotten.

Merry Christmas,

1 comment:

  1. OK so how many of you out there are crying too?! I know you have lots of tears, but the place that has been opened in you is His very beautiful place.
