Mongolia Trip Update
November 27th- December 5th
We will visit, love on kids and meet spiritual and physical needs at the following:
-The Children’s Place Orphanage (Maiah’s orphanage) run by Margie Stone and Rita Browning sponsored by Orphan’s Promise (23 children ages 6mo-10years old)
-Street Children Ministry/Feeding Program/Bible study(40 children ages 8-12 years old) My 13 year old daughter, Kaytlin, will be sharing the candy cane story with these kids, please pray for this to touch hearts.
-Infant Sanatorium is government run, 58 children ages 0-3 year olds as well as special needs children.
-No 58 Kindergarten(Seth’s Orphange) is government run for 78 children ages 4-7 year olds
-Fr. Carlo’s Boys Ministry for teenage street boys that are committed to learning a trade
Thank you to the 24 families that are sponsoring children and for the $1755 in donations so far…..
We are still raising funds for the following:
40+ Street kids- Evaluate their needs and supply winter coats/boots/hats/scarves/gloves as needed. Here is the breakdown of what the items cost to purchase in Mongolia.
Quality winter coat: $25
Winter Boots: $20-25
Snow pants: $11-18
Hats and gloves: $2-4 per set ( I am bringing some with me as well but mostly smaller sizes, the average age of the street kids is 8-12 and mostly boys)
Infant Sanitorium for special needs boys with Cerebral Palsy:
Last year, we saw these boys lying on the floor and they were tied to radiators and wooden gates so they would not roll away and with your donations, we had them evaluated by a therapist and helped them get fitted with special shoes, braces and splints. They now need continued therapy to learn to walk as well as the following medical equipment:
Forearm walkers: $150
Corner Chair built of wood with special separator for legs: $175
Bolster Chair for 7/8 year old boy with CP: $180
We would also like to bless the IS Special needs unit with some new developmental toys to help with continued growth and developement, large balls, etc.:$150
Monetary donations are also being collected for the IS, Children’s Place, and NO 58 Kindergarten. We are hoping to host a small party for them and supply meat pies (they don’t get much meat in their regular diets), goody bags and hopefully a small toy for each child. I am also hoping to purchase medicines such as Tylenol, Motrin and cough syrup for each orphanage to supply them for the winter. Donations toward luggage fees for bringing gifts, as well as country taxes are greatly appreciated. Thank you for partnering with us to bless these kids….
To Mongolia we go,
Stacy & Kaytlin
P/S Please pray for safe, uneventful travel and for us to touch each child that God puts in our paths!!
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