Monday, August 13, 2012

Our newest camera man and a few sweet faces.....

We have had long days and I am quite exhausted.  Everyone is emailing asking if things are ok and why I am not blogging as usual....I just cannot keep my eyes open at the first chance that I get to blog.  Everything is going well, we have had some issues with hotel and missing bags, had to make several trips to the Aeroflot takes 2 hours to go 5 kilometers in traffic here. 

I am working with Orphans Promise, shooting a few amazing stories,and dedicating a new clinic for special needs children. I am also doing the humanitarian work that I normally do as well as visiting and loving on the kids.  I spent much of Saturday getting my hair played with, kissing on the sweetest baby boy and praying for a day when each little face that I met is runited with their family or has a family to call their own. 

So anyway, we are doing an amazing story on a little guy that had heart surgery.  He had to go live in the orphanage becasue his mom was unable to care for him.  She knew that this decision meant life or death for her son.  I met and talked with her and told her how strong she was and that she did the right thing!!  The orphanage nursed him back to health both pre and post surgery and now as been reunited with his Mom.  He is one happy boy!  Check out his pic, he wants to be our new camera guy and was a little ham on camera!!

I will write more tomorrow after my visit with the First Lady and seeing Seth's friends.  Wednesday, I will be shopping for school supplies and shoes and Thursday will be delivery day for the older kids orphanage....about 170 kids!

Thanks for your prayers!


  1. Stacy! good to hear that things are going well. Just so you know the pic you mentioned in your post never posted. Praying for you!

  2. Thanks for updates! I have been stalking the blog daily! Can't wait to hear more.
