Thursday, August 9, 2012

Every Child Needs......

Unconditional love!!!  I spent the day with some older teens at a street kids project that we support.  Most of these kids take to the streets for various reasons: abusive parents, alcohol in the home, feeling of being unwanted, simply not enough to eat, etc.....

However, a stunning number told me that they took to the streets to feel loved, connected and to be part of a family.  Almost every one of them has cut marks up and down their legs and arms.  I am glad that we can offer them unconditional love and a glimpse of hope!!

Late in the day, I had the opportunity to spend some time with a small group of kids.....I taught them some English words, they taught me some Mongolian words, we sang a few songs together and then they schooled me in ping one point, one of the boys gave me a new paddle in hopes it might make a difference.  We all had a good laugh!!!

A few testimonies......

One 16 year old boy that I met last November actually came to the airport to pick me up.  He told the center staff that he felt like he was going to pick up his Mom at the airport.  I cried.  I am not trying to be his Mom or take anyone's place, but I do feel that every child is worth investing in and that love and worth are vital to kids!!  Anyway, he found out that his parents were not his real parents so he connected with a tough group of boys on the streets.  He was drinking and smoking and living a rough life, spending the nights in building entrances and doing whatever he could to get food.  A friend invited him to come to the center and he has now been coming for a year.  He just got back from a summer camp where he made some decisions to change his life.....(J)...... and many behaviors have changed.  He is learning to play guitar, helps the girls with jewelry making, and has hope in the future God has for him.

Another young girl has found herself scared,  pregnant and alone. Both parents are deceased, and she lives in a small room in a very run down building.   She was proud to take us to her little home.  She sleeps on a tiny mat on the floor and has a little wok plugged into the wall for cooking.  There were two girls living in this room with her and both of them left and did not pay their rent.  Now she is responsible for the entire amount.   In spite of her circumstances, she has the brightest eyes and smile. I have watched her serve the other kids for two days now.  She cooks and cleans the center, always helping, very tender hearted.  She sings beautifully and the young lady that runs the center is helping her learn to lead worship.  I trust that God has a plan for her and her baby and we will be here to help her walk that out!!

Here are a few pics....the jewelry the girls are making to sell for income.  Needlepoint and bead work....Sweet Mongolian princesses, an ice cream treat, and Stacy getting swept at Ping Pong!!!

Like I said, they all have a story and in many ways, we probably all share something in common with them.....brokenness, tears, fear, shame, abandonment, unworthiness, guilt, sadness, but I trust that just as God is not done with me, that he is done with them either!!

1 comment:

  1. The peppers are reading the blog and keeping up with your awesome work on this trip! Miss you! Praying for you.
