Friday, August 3, 2012

In China.....and Sleepy!

We arrived in China safe and sound. Yes, I did say China. This is my first experience in China as this is a combined China/Mongolia trip that I am doing with Orphan's Promise. Most of you know that my blog is usually written for my personal trips to Mongolia however, I figured it is all about serving children, right? It does not matter where they are from. Anyway, I did my best to stay awake upon arrival hoping to get into some sort of normal sleep schedule but fell asleep around 6pm and woke up at 3am. This should make for a very long day today. I am glad that we only have one lunch/planning meeting and then we get to rest. We see our first group of kids tomorrow and I can't wait. We will visit a very special home where most of the children have a very serious brittle bone disease. A wonderful group of Americans support this home and Orphan's Promise has come along side them and supported a few major projects there. I informed the staff that I had been doing a fundraiser for new school shoes and school supplies. The staff informed me that the kids have been quite blessed by missionary teams that have come this summer however, there were a few things that they would love: gold fish, pretzels, M&Ms, etc....things not commonly found in China I guess or just not in the orphanage budget perhaps. So I am making up goody bags of all the treats I brought from their list. Sometimes, its just the little things in life that make the biggest difference (hugs, a smile and gold fish!!) I was also able to bring much needed vitamins and medicines thanks to my generous family and friends! Sometimes when I am really weary after a long trip, I tend to think a lot, especially during the quiet moments alone in my hotel room. Those who know me, know that my life does not offer many quiet moments!! LOL!! So my thought for today is how every orphan has an impact to make. They were created with a purpose and for many that purpose goes unfulfilled. Why? They need someone willing to take a chance on them, someone willing to invest in them, and someone to love them and show them the way. Choose to be a light!!

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